I'd "terminate" it. Hasta la vista, baby. I'll be back. Get to the choppa!... Haha alright... here's a video of Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about cumming.
What would happen if Arnold Schwarzenegger showed up at your house and challenged you to a pose off?
I would revel in the fact that I'm a tall white guy with long blond hair that's actually half Japanese. I'd freak people the fuck out... for like a second... I'm sure the novelty would bore me eventually.
The world would be thrown into chaos, which I think would be pretty rad, but for the sake of everybody else that wouldn't find it so rad maybe you shouldn't. Or do, I don't know it's your life to live as you choose.
You wouldn't need to steal them, I'd probably just give them to you... er, I mean I'd hunt you down... I wouldn't hunt you down... I'd tell you to eat more vegetables.
I like to think that the next person isn't waiting for you to step down, but rather plotting a coup d'état that ultimately will fail but ignite the flames of war and plunge the threads into bitter chaos and battle.
I don't have a passport to lose so... I guess nothing. If I did have one and I lost it I guess that would suck depending on whether or not I was in another country.
What would happen if you woke up and there was a bear riding a unicycle in your room?
I'd be willing to bet that human experiments are already going on all over the world. If anything, he's probably just taking over the current human experiments that are already going on.
What would happen if you woke up and you were living in America with Trump as president?
You'll get a headache (lol even I get a headache looking at it sometimes that's why I have to change it every so often. Short period of time, but still)
What would happen if I took a bite off your heart tonight?
I've had one desire since I was born, to see my body ripped and torn. To see my flesh devoured before my eyes, only for you I volunteer, as a human sacrifice.
What would happen if you woke up and you were at Wacken Open Air?
I'd use a super awesome pick up line. Like "hey baby, I'm looking for some treasure, can I look around your chest?" Or I could do a Viking themed one, like "hey girl, why don't you take a ride on my longship, and I'll plunder and pillage your northern shores" Ya know, something classy.
I would hope they're the cool kinda aliens that are here to welcome us into the galactic federation and not the invadey kind of aliens that are here for invasion.