Bullies With Badges Owned And Educated on The First Amendment

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • #firstamendment #police #misconduct #badcops #knowyourrights unlawful detention #civilrights #filmthepolice police accountability social justice #policeaccountability #socialjustice
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    Video Source : • Keep Calling Port Huen...
    Video Source : • District 2 Audit, FAIL...
    Video Source : • Ist Amendment Audit Re...
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Комментарии • 513

  • @Matthew-e8h2l
    @Matthew-e8h2l 9 дней назад +60

    She is a fool. I love these videos!!

  • @saber005
    @saber005 9 дней назад +70

    PDs are so overstaffed that they are just plain bored!!!

    • @ILLeeT36
      @ILLeeT36 8 дней назад

      And that’s exactly what “defund the police” was about.
      Reduce their budgets so they’re forced to allocate their resources in a more organized manner.

    • @davidbennett8636
      @davidbennett8636 6 дней назад

      I just subbed in nice job she's out of control WTH LMAO 😂🤣🤣 😎👍

  • @hermanmiller3708
    @hermanmiller3708 9 дней назад +23

    They KNEW that they were out of line but are accustomed to and enjoy intimidating people. The suggestion that they don't understand the simple concept of public property exposes their malice.

  • @robertbarker5474
    @robertbarker5474 9 дней назад +31

    And JUST when I thought I heard the most DISGUSTING thing from a cop ever, THIS exchange happens:
    "So, what am I doing wrong standing here collecting content for my story?"
    "What is your story?"
    Should that MATTER officer? Are only POLICE APPROVED STORIES allowed to be filmed?

  • @terryregas1748
    @terryregas1748 9 дней назад +37

    Oh, now, the female at the very end of this in front of the male cop is acting like she’s so cooperative and understanding. What a piece of crap.

  • @sirdirtydog705
    @sirdirtydog705 9 дней назад +42

    America thanks all these auditors for what they do to educate and keep LE in check!

    • @ianblack58
      @ianblack58 8 дней назад

      Filmed in Canada

    • @Youhaverights6
      @Youhaverights6 4 дня назад

      ​@@ianblack58so Canada is america too "north america" please try harder to hate ugly.

    • @Youhaverights6
      @Youhaverights6 4 дня назад

      ​@@ianblack58also p and p news is in the usa.

  • @7horsefan970
    @7horsefan970 9 дней назад +24

    Poor Canadians. They have the most intrusive busy bodies as their police. This woman should not be bothering this person at all! They are merely standing on a public sidewalk. Leave them alone!

    • @aaronrw286
      @aaronrw286 7 дней назад

      Poor Canadians lol. I know our police suck but American police are 100 times worse, always love how Americans always say how bad canada is yet probably never been to canada and only go by their propaganda media.

  • @BrainBushido
    @BrainBushido 9 дней назад +29

    Boy, that lady cop's curiosity and ego were writing checks that her granted authority sure couldn't cash. Tyrant!

    • @watchtheirhands3346
      @watchtheirhands3346 8 дней назад

      she was bored. ponytail police delegated to the soft calls only and so they got to try and manufacture their own daily excitement.

  • @senorlovato1388
    @senorlovato1388 9 дней назад +19

    OMG that lady cop does not know anything about PUBLIC property!!! She made the case why he could stand there and then said he couldn't by LAW !!!

    • @robertbarker5474
      @robertbarker5474 9 дней назад +1

      She also claimed it was slated for development. Unfortunately, those BOXES behind her are HUGE residential power transformers, with high voltage inputs coming in UNDERNEATH. That area will require MAJOR overhauls before development. The new transformers will need to be set, the LINES run, and connected and back fed.

  • @lewisjohn5629
    @lewisjohn5629 9 дней назад +29

    She has no clue about the law. City property is public property. They think that you need to tell them what you’re doing

  • @rossk4864
    @rossk4864 9 дней назад +38

    "The city as a corporation, not the city as the taxpayer owns the land". Good grief, what kind of nonsensical gobbledygook is that! A city bus stop is about as public as it gets.

    • @jvanek8512
      @jvanek8512 8 дней назад

      I actually looked it up and It's something that exist in Canada and The US, but you're correct it doesn't apply to a bus stop. A water treatment facility owned by a city would fall under the corporation and you wouldn't have free access to it just because you're a taxpayer

    • @rossk4864
      @rossk4864 8 дней назад

      @@jvanek8512 Yes, I do agree. I was former manager of public utilities in Alaska with a municipal power plant and water plant. The plants were public facilities operated as a public business group, similar to a corporation. The plants and operational areas were fenced off with locked gates and signage prohibiting entry leaving no question to the fact that the public was not allowed entry.

    • @jvanek8512
      @jvanek8512 8 дней назад

      @@rossk4864 just saying it's not something they made up. It exist.

    • @wesman7837
      @wesman7837 8 дней назад

      ​@jvanek8512 What? ALL city, state, and federal property is PUBLIC PROPERTY!

  • @MissingLink-hb9ov
    @MissingLink-hb9ov 9 дней назад +18

    the ignorance is so astounding.

  • @djdiaferia2
    @djdiaferia2 9 дней назад +15

    Why does this female cop think this guy needs to talk to them

  • @MaryCoster-Mullen
    @MaryCoster-Mullen 9 дней назад +53

    Cops love to hear themselves talk

    • @havok9001
      @havok9001 9 дней назад +1

      i yell over them u all shut the F up & leave cuz u all clowns also useless i have the right to record anything from public u stupid clowns dont like it they build a high wall but NOOOOOOOOO it takes 3+ armed thug dont know the law.... so suck this junk right here that where my lawyer make u go after i sue u all for harassment & etc

    • @bornjusticerule5764
      @bornjusticerule5764 9 дней назад +1

      They think they're smarter than everyone that's not their superior in the Police department. GO INVESTIGATE REAL CRIMES.

  • @murraygingrich9926
    @murraygingrich9926 9 дней назад +29

    This is not a two way conversation. It's a tyrant with a huge ego.

  • @rayhall7932
    @rayhall7932 9 дней назад +21

    tell me this is not 100% police state

  • @TVTOON60
    @TVTOON60 9 дней назад +9

    She won't stop talking long enough to listen to reason.
    Overconfident ignorance. 💯💩

  • @HeleTCM
    @HeleTCM 9 дней назад +11

    There are no good cops in this video.

  • @Edtek1
    @Edtek1 9 дней назад +8

    That woman will not STFU

  • @saxon1177
    @saxon1177 9 дней назад +13

    'Arrest me or STFU, I'm not answering questions.' That's what I would've said.

  • @parodysrivas
    @parodysrivas 9 дней назад +19

    Maaan that last sergeant really wanted to escalate things 🤣
    Good vid

  • @loginregional
    @loginregional 9 дней назад +8

    Calgary in the autonomous Communist Republic of Albertistan.

  • @anthonyamburn3625
    @anthonyamburn3625 9 дней назад +6


  • @Irisheyes22
    @Irisheyes22 9 дней назад +15

    No Bodycams???😮 you see how they act because they've never had to wear body cameras ?could you imagine what they get away with?

  • @hammer5892
    @hammer5892 8 дней назад +5

    Why do officers always feel citizens have to justify their existence

  • @jjcallahan123
    @jjcallahan123 9 дней назад +38

    two women DEI HIRES , lost clueless?

    • @melvinreed4136
      @melvinreed4136 8 дней назад

      @jjcallahan123, it just goes to show you, even among people who may agree with our point of view, there are still misogynistic (and no doubt racists) people like you.

  • @Bufford2024
    @Bufford2024 2 дня назад +2

    "Zit Cam" ... on demand. Officer Pore .... at your service. Close up ... lunacy. 😂

  • @vmcmark7578
    @vmcmark7578 9 дней назад +5

    ""...........you see my concern is that when I look at KAREN FLAP-JAWS uniform, I do not see anywhere that her name is GOD THE ALL KNOWING"" and without that label, I just don't ""FEEL"" as thought she is privy to said information, EVER!!!

  • @amagoo1
    @amagoo1 9 дней назад +9

    The last one is in canada. No 1st amendment.

    • @fitfoodie1724
      @fitfoodie1724 9 дней назад +1

      Exactly 💯 more specifically, the last video was on Calgary Police in Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦 We are founded on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms - NOT the 1st amendment 🤓

  • @davedawber527
    @davedawber527 9 дней назад +6

    As a Calgary resident, I’m disgusted that the Calgary Police have nothing better to do. I guess they have cleared up all the other crimes in the city.

    @TBAJJVHJJJRLT 9 дней назад +6

    How in the hell do you become a cop and don’t know the law😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Bentriverrusher
    @Bentriverrusher 9 дней назад +11

    Why is it that the stupidest cops (and the bar is so low) always has the most to say?

    • @marknewton6984
      @marknewton6984 3 дня назад

      Stupid people always have the most to say.

  • @terryregas1748
    @terryregas1748 9 дней назад +3

    She says it helps me figure out what you’re doing here.. and she appreciates all this information that he’s giving her.
    I think this cop has had a lifetime of people ignoring her because she is annoying and never shuts up. You should call her motormouth.

  • @m.rogers9490
    @m.rogers9490 9 дней назад +5


  • @johnlabeaux8931
    @johnlabeaux8931 9 дней назад +6

    She's well on her way of loosing her qualified immunity

  • @wolfmannews
    @wolfmannews 9 дней назад +3

    Trump's constitution, great, but you have to shake his piss off of it before you can read it.

  • @bornjusticerule5764
    @bornjusticerule5764 9 дней назад +7

    That 1 cop with all the questions, her partner was looking at her like can we please leave her alone.

  • @energeticpets
    @energeticpets 9 дней назад +13

    Big Dumb Dumb😮

  • @bernadinesymczak617
    @bernadinesymczak617 9 дней назад +13

    1st 4th and 5th THANK YOU to start
    Liars in badges

  • @Matthew-e8h2l
    @Matthew-e8h2l 9 дней назад +18

    This ought to embarrass any other police departments in the U.S.

    • @Bright259
      @Bright259 9 дней назад

      I think this makes them proud 😂

    • @watchtheirhands3346
      @watchtheirhands3346 8 дней назад +1

      this is in Canada but they are the same no matter where you go in this clown world

  • @7horsefan970
    @7horsefan970 9 дней назад +4

    You know that if flipping off a cop could be illegal, they would make it a much higher order of illegal than just flipping off a stranger. That's how you know it's not illegal! Because if it could be, they'd have their own special protectionist law about it!

  • @bobechs7905
    @bobechs7905 9 дней назад +4

    You cannot look at federal property with a camera-does that include the Grand Canyon, the Washington Monument, Mount McKinley?
    OOoops, it is a different country- Bay of Fundy, Mount Logan, Downtown Eastside?

  • @bobparfitt9111
    @bobparfitt9111 9 дней назад +6

    Pony tail dumb & dumber

  • @jimbruni7945
    @jimbruni7945 9 дней назад +11

    The dei sisters!

  • @perrybell7926
    @perrybell7926 9 дней назад +3

    are cops getting dumber, or is it just me

  • @minion-oj1cg
    @minion-oj1cg 9 дней назад +4

    Yes. Yes, they are.

  • @trevormiller7882
    @trevormiller7882 9 дней назад +2

    I’m glad he’s the one who said we don’t negotiate that badge put the target on you especially when you’re bad at your job when you violate citizens rights Just remember, they don’t negotiate I would not get your face in front of any more cameras. I don’t believe that the people the American people are going to be willing to negotiate with you retire quit me. It’s for officer safety.

  • @Marshall.Mumphrey
    @Marshall.Mumphrey 9 дней назад +6

    She Did Run her Mouth way Too much as Her Partner Just Stud There Saying Nothing. They Both Need a Job Cleaning House's. That Job Isn't for Them Both!!

  • @terryregas1748
    @terryregas1748 9 дней назад +3

    You can’t trespass with your eyes can see. If you don’t want someone to see it and cover it up.

    • @terryregas1748
      @terryregas1748 9 дней назад

      That was supposed to say you can’t trust pass what your eyes can see

  • @MigMar-be4vw
    @MigMar-be4vw 9 дней назад +4

    So many lies!😂

  • @renatesiebke5723
    @renatesiebke5723 9 дней назад +5

    When they ask: "Can I ask you...", my answer would be: "Of course you can."

  • @robertbarker5474
    @robertbarker5474 9 дней назад +4

    Where the HELL do these cops get the idea that CITY property was not PUBLIC property? I mean are they REALLY under the impression that a CITY can use TAX dollars to buy PARK areas...then TRESPASS the citizens that PAID for the land?

  • @Firsttac1
    @Firsttac1 9 дней назад +6

    “You have to understand …” NO. I don’t have to understand. You have to understand that I don’t have to understand.

    • @marknewton6984
      @marknewton6984 3 дня назад

      Huh ??

    • @Firsttac1
      @Firsttac1 3 дня назад

      @ When the cop says, “you have to understand…” No you don’t have to understand the cop’s point of view. The cop has to understand that and observer your rights.

  • @Bacboy1500
    @Bacboy1500 9 дней назад +3

    Dude! Seth MacFarlane, you can’t fool us with that shaved head😂😂

  • @robertbarker5474
    @robertbarker5474 9 дней назад +3

    Honestly? That Canadian cop should have been fired on the SPOT. Her sarge shows up, "He refuses to tell me his purpose..."
    He LITERALLY told you no less than 5 times that he was a journalist working on a story. Now I GET it, you want to KNOW what the story is...I guess READING is hard. But you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE!!!

  • @pnwsasquatch9581
    @pnwsasquatch9581 9 дней назад +3

    Literally the movie idiocracy!!!

  • @harrylindsay6448
    @harrylindsay6448 8 дней назад +1

    They always think you can illegally run a plate because they do it for family friends and money.

  • @timtubemusic
    @timtubemusic 9 дней назад +1

    ignorant of the law lying female cop. Claiming city corporation makes it private. Fire her. Auditor talked to much and gave in too much.

  • @stevent5571
    @stevent5571 8 дней назад +2

    Second video was crazy stupid. Trespass on public property because she was standing at a bus stop.

  • @DonaldRuppert-x9k
    @DonaldRuppert-x9k 9 дней назад +2

    Stupid cop city property I! Is public property!

  • @aklemmer8936
    @aklemmer8936 9 дней назад +4

    The ignorance and even worse. The arrogance of delusional beliefvthat they ARE LAW. HAS TRULY ASTOUNDED ME. SECOND. THE. EXCESSIVE TIME , MAN POWER, IS INEXCUSABLE. DEFUND NIW!!!!

  • @terryregas1748
    @terryregas1748 9 дней назад +2

    This motormouth cop has overstepped her and her boundaries. He hasn’t done anything wrong and she keeps grilling him. But quite honestly, the auditor needs to shut his pie hole and just continue walking. She could turn something very innocent into a crime with every nashing of her teeth.

  • @geneticdisorder1900
    @geneticdisorder1900 9 дней назад +3

    Bunch of dripping rotten clams !!

  • @jackmor68
    @jackmor68 9 дней назад +2

    Government property (Police, Sheriff, Municipal, State and Federal) is PUBLIC property. If it is marked as 'restricted access' or 'No unauthorized personnel', you still have every right to record from a publically accessible area. Cops don't like it when you know your laws and rights under the Constitution. Have you ever read the 1st Amendment? Freedom of the Press allows anyone to video record or take pictures of anything they can see in public. Cops swear an oath to uphold The Constitution and here are several attempting to trample all over our First Amendment Rights. Bad cops supporting other bad cops is not how our justice is intended to work. They are Law Enforcement Officers. If they are not enforcing any laws, what's their purpose. The SCOTUS has ruled that 'suspicion' alone cannot be made into a crime. Police must have RAS of a crime to detain or identify you. I realize that police officers cannot possibly know all the laws but when police officers, whose job is to enforce the law can be so ignorant and decide to make up some law that they know nothing about and try imposing this non-existent law on someone who actually knows the law. Their training obviously does not include logical thinking. That would impose a terrible burden on them to actually use their grey matter for good purposes. Exercising your rights under The First Amendment of The United States of America cannot be criminalized despite local 'policies'. Policies do not supersede The Constitution. The ignorance of these two DHS officers is ludicrous. How do they get and keep their jobs if they don't know the laws and The Constitution they swore an oath to protect? God Damn It! Where do we find these ignorant cops? Do we dredge the depths of the uneducated and uninformed to fill our quotas and come up with employees who will willingly attempt to trample all over our Constitutional rights and exert their perceived authority over law-abiding citizens?

    • @ruse_d_news
      @ruse_d_news 9 дней назад

      One of these wasn't American.

  • @NicholasDonskyDonsky
    @NicholasDonskyDonsky 9 дней назад +5

    Another cop with great hair!!!

  • @Eagle8
    @Eagle8 9 дней назад +6

    She must be acting!!!😂

  • @theowebb7205
    @theowebb7205 9 дней назад +5

    Not much education given

  • @Byrns1942
    @Byrns1942 14 часов назад +1

    These three cops apparently don't understand the difference between public property and private property. Were they required to have high school diplomas to become cops? These three apparently do not understand the US Constitution guarantees our rights to examine public property and to monitor the behavior of public employees. Per the First Amendment (Freedom of the Press) ensures that photography from public property is a RIGHT, and that public employees attempting to require special permission for access is NOT legal except in a VERY limited range of unusual circumstances!

  • @oathkeeper2149
    @oathkeeper2149 8 дней назад +2

    In the beginning video, the manager exactly 100% correct. The Supreme Court has ruled that flipping off a cop. Or anyone for that matter is First Amendment speech. Also, the the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that no city county or state can make a statute law or ordinance that goes above the United States constitution.

  • @CarolynDavis-r8s
    @CarolynDavis-r8s 9 дней назад +2

    What does everyone think about trumps policies that violates civil rights every day??😢😮

  • @derekporter7651
    @derekporter7651 8 дней назад +2

    So you can't walk on grass that is owned by the Council without risking being trespassed by a cop? Why don't they occupy themselves with catching criminals instead of harassing law-abiding citizens?

  • @terryregas1748
    @terryregas1748 9 дней назад +1

    The sidewalk is public property. She knows it. You know it walk past her and keep walking and don’t talk.

  • @m.rogers9490
    @m.rogers9490 9 дней назад


  • @scrapon
    @scrapon 9 дней назад +1

    Keep it flapp'n babe The more she blabs ignorance... the better the video.

  • @doughall4688
    @doughall4688 9 дней назад +5

    Play it for the Mayor.

  • @VickieVollmar
    @VickieVollmar 9 дней назад +17

    Oh I wish a cop would ask me or tells me I'm a sovereign citizen, they would get an earful about how insulting that is plus I would remind them that they are the biggest sovereign coward criminals in our country

    • @HeleTCM
      @HeleTCM 9 дней назад

      And then they would likely arrest and/or beat you. You're not wrong, but the result would be years of litigation. That is what makes this wrong.

  • @jeffwagner7946
    @jeffwagner7946 8 дней назад +2

    “The city as a Corporation.”Don’t think I’ve heard that one before.

  • @MomMormino
    @MomMormino 9 дней назад +3

    None of their damn business doesn’t seem like he likes members of the public nasty attitude

  • @DonnieBrooks-w7d
    @DonnieBrooks-w7d 8 дней назад +1

    This piglet irritating

  • @HowardHomderleider
    @HowardHomderleider 9 дней назад +1

    Do you think that cops are actually trained to do this?

    @TBAJJVHJJJRLT 9 дней назад

    Her ego was hurt that’s y she keeps bla bla bla. Guys leave the man alone.😂😂😂😂😂

  • @sousadev07
    @sousadev07 9 дней назад +3

    Who issues press passes? Can I get them at the probate court when I renew my passport or concealed carry?

  • @charlestusin274
    @charlestusin274 9 дней назад +2

    😅😂 You do know that the constitution isn't in Canada, right?
    I'm just checking, brother.

  • @COORS5766
    @COORS5766 9 дней назад +1

    (First video) Not sure who the dumb ones were in this video, the cops for not knowing the law or the camera guys talking and arguing at the same time, talking over each other while trying to prove who has more knowledge of the law!

    • @dianedquilter
      @dianedquilter 3 дня назад

      Ty! Saved me a bunch of typing 😅😂❤

  • @ProudCapitalist-ko9ff
    @ProudCapitalist-ko9ff 9 дней назад +3


  • @greghughes3742
    @greghughes3742 9 дней назад +3

    Both auditors in both these clips need to be more assertive.

  • @Bocampeon_2022
    @Bocampeon_2022 9 дней назад +3

    Nunca te vayas antes que los cerdos, regla numero 1 de un auditor!

  • @victorbar-s5c
    @victorbar-s5c 9 дней назад

    Bunch of fools but then what else do you expect from high school graduates.

  • @joycegriffin3652
    @joycegriffin3652 9 дней назад +1

    The guy talking to the two ponytails should have remained silent. She kept asking the same question over and over and can't understand that city property is public property. He was arti ulate in his rights, but the cops were dumb as usual.

  • @AD-53
    @AD-53 8 дней назад +2

    Standing around watching how good she is at lying vile tyrants

  • @DarrellWhisnant
    @DarrellWhisnant 9 дней назад +3

    Her poor hubbie

  • @Mike-g6p6p
    @Mike-g6p6p 9 дней назад +2

    I sure know a couple of them that are.

  • @chrismorley5015
    @chrismorley5015 3 дня назад

    I thought it was all over when John Wayne showed up 😂 and then you got them to-do your bidding...AWSOME JOB!

  • @vmcmark7578
    @vmcmark7578 9 дней назад +1

    @5:32 ........neither Caption Obvious, nor Myself, could come any where near answering that question beyond the perfectly good questions you have asked & been given answers to, PROBLEM BEING, those answers were not in the PROPER ANSWER category in your pee brain so your awesome training kicked in & the lil ROBOTRON turned on and down the UNCONSTITUTIONAL path did you go, WFO until crashing and forcing all of us the SUFFER FOOLS for the rest of the worthless interaction!!

  • @johnlabeaux8931
    @johnlabeaux8931 9 дней назад +1

    Dumber than stone

  • @aaronrw286
    @aaronrw286 7 дней назад +2

    Always live listening or reading a Americans comments about a place they never visited.

  • @kevindorn7407
    @kevindorn7407 9 дней назад +1

    Childisch beheavor

  • @johnwrinkle3443
    @johnwrinkle3443 9 дней назад +2

    why didn't the Sgt have a badge on his shirt??????????

  • @morrellp
    @morrellp 8 дней назад +1

    "Help me understand...." lol

  • @kennethskrable2722
    @kennethskrable2722 8 дней назад

    I’ve come to realize that six months of training for police officers leads to uninformed public servants