Kanojo No Houteishiki [English], by Ez6

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Those confident eyes speak only one word : DICK !
I’ve been a good girl. So, now, show me your dick ! <3

The story is quite simple, a ronin living alone receives the visit of his former female tutor. Her need for sex apparently caused him to fail his studies, and, unsurprisingly, as soon as she manages to enter the flat they’re back at it.
This was mostly nice (did I mention the massive white censorship ? Oh wait I just did), but I wish the boy didn’t display such a bored face half of the time. Come on boy, if you whine like a pussy that there’s no mood, how about you settle the damn mood instead ? Grrr. The girl’s carelessness, the unyielding resolution in her eyes, that saved the day, in terms of mood ^^

Credits are for ZeBon20 (the commissioner, GG man !), AfroThunda and Biribiri, thank youuu ! :)
And by the same artist, I also share Omoide Broken Girl.

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11 years ago

DAAAMNNN ihope to see stuff like this moaarr
thx for sharing man

11 years ago

While not as good as Omoide Broken Girl, this still has a charm to it. I would have loved to had a tutor that was willing to just go at it at the drop of a hat.

Part time commy
Part time commy
11 years ago

How can he fail with such a good tutor? Tough if i were him i would have chosen option 5!

11 years ago

He failed because he spent more time doing her then doing his studying. Plus I"m sure he was exhausted when he went to take the test. Having a tutor that would not mind being with you is a bit different from one that can't wait to get you alone so they can rip your clothes off and go at it…